>APS-C/E Mount
[NEX-5RL/E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS]
Focal Length: 16mm (35mm equivalent:34mm)
Soratama Extension tube length: 30mm
Macro Extension Tube: 10mm (digital close-up ring)
Step-up ring: 40.5-52mm、52-72mm
Remarks: Inside of the tube gets reflected a little. There is a need of trimming.
[NEX-5N/E 30mm F3.5 Macro]
Focal Length: 30mm (35mm equivalent:45mm)
Soratama Extension tube length: 40mm(20mm+20mm)
Macro Extension Tube: No need
Step-up ring: 49-72mm
Remarks: By using the macro lens, there is no need of close-up rings.
[α6000/FE 28mm F2]
備考●16mmの接写リングを使った場合、宙玉エクステンションチューブの長さは60mm必要。宙玉 soratama 72と宙玉Extension Tube 72のセットは55mmなので5mm足りない。
●APS-C/A Mount
[α58/DT 30mm F2.8 Macro SAM]
Focal Length: 30mm (35mm equivalent:45mm)
Soratama Extension tube length: 50mm(10mm+20mm+20mm)
Macro Extension Tube: No need
Step-up ring: 49-72mm
Remarks: There is no macro extension tube for A Mount which can control the diaphragm. For this, this is the best way to take photos with soratama and A Mount.
Full frame / E-mount
[α7S/FE 28mm F2]
Focal Length: 28mm
Soratama Extension tube length: 50mm(10mm+20mm+20mm)
Macro Extension Tube: 26mm(10mm+16mm)/フルサイズ用
Step-up ring: 49-72mm
Remarks: This is recommended when using with a full frame DSLR cameras. If it is used with the previous macro extension tubes, such as APS-C and Kenko products, the photo gets vignetted. For this, products for full frame are recommended. Regarding this full frame items, you can search on Amazon by “E-mount full frame” There are products from STOK. However its structure is cheap.
[α7S/Sonnar T* FE 35mm F2.8 ZA]
NOT RECOMMENDED. Extension tube must be extended and two sets of “Soratama Extension Tube” are needed.
[α7S/E 30mm F3.5 Macro]
Because it is a lens for APS-C, the photo gets vignetted.